core tasks
FIXME undefined symbols
CREATED: <2025-02-14 Fri 15:28> ID: 4249f111-d4d1-47a3-bf30-43f178f7a66d
- State "TODO" from
- State "FIXME" from "TODO"
PROJECT ffi [0/3]
lisp ffi
ID: 4de17a09-48fb-4640-b30a-e40cc1f8c330 VERSION: 0.1 LOCATION: ffi/ CUSTOM_ID: ffi-0-4
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
PROJECT rocksdb [1/1]
ID: 6a4e51f0-f1d7-40df-aa7f-04c6d179393b LOCATION+: ffi/rocksdb VERSION: 0.1.0 CUSTOM_ID: rocksdb-6-7
- State "PROJECT" from
DONE impl rocksdb/slicetransform callbacks
CREATED: <2024-08-19 Mon 16:17> ID: 1aa4a86f-0fa6-46ba-bd42-bc87a3a64245 CUSTOM_ID: impl-rocksdb-slicetransform-callbacks Effort: 5h
- State "TODO" from
- New deadline from " " on
- Refiled on
- New deadline from " " on
- State "TEST" from "TODO"
- State "DONE" from "TEST"
TODO readline cli
ID: 4aebbb1d-201e-4a74-8e57-537cb96a39d7 LOCATION+: readline/ CUSTOM_ID: readline
- State "TODO" from
TBD examples [0/6]
ID: 794f6242-2589-424d-bbc1-8025530a2a6b CUSTOM_ID: examples-0-6
- State "TBD" from
- Note taken on
zstd is kinda unnecessary - showcase in IO/FLATE
TODO gstreamer practical example gstreamer
ID: d476e6b4-5b58-4f51-afc5-c2c0195d3799 CUSTOM_ID: gstreamer-practical-example
- State "TODO" from
TODO ublk practical example ublk
ID: 7887da0f-f6d7-43f0-9fcb-cef7c07fb1bb CUSTOM_ID: ublk-practical-example
- State "TODO" from
TODO uring read/write file example uring
ID: 7194096a-f0a2-446d-b46a-3c55e6123a16 CUSTOM_ID: uring-read-write-file-example
- State "TODO" from
TODO btrfs practical example btrfs
ID: 595c395c-976b-4356-a3ec-df8030293326 CUSTOM_ID: btrfs-practical-example
- State "TODO" from
[ ]
sudo example (filesystem)[ ]
non-sudo example?
TODO xkb practical example x kb
ID: 530aef14-b508-4d3a-8442-a16fea82039f CUSTOM_ID: xkb-practical-example
- State "TODO" from
TODO keyutils practical example crypto
ID: eec96038-ac73-477d-a443-4a9b3b5f4a5d CUSTOM_ID: keyutils-practical-example
- State "TODO" from
CREATED: <2024-09-12 Thu 13:38> ID: 4f1d8c1e-23ea-4d17-80d0-feafc367f65f LOCATION: lib/cli/ VERSION: 0.1.0 CUSTOM_ID: cli
- State "PROJECT" from
PROJECT cli/clap [1/5]
lisp cli
ID: 217cd955-5575-4953-bf36-4d2d4c1fd616 VERSION: 0.2 LOCATION+: clap/ CUSTOM_ID: cli-clap-1-5
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
- clap is quite unstable right now and has some obvious bugs which need remedying
TODO conditions implementation
ID: c17dae0b-93b8-467a-bc96-6dddfb7a6e53 CUSTOM_ID: conditions-implementation
TODO minimal documentation doc
ID: aef56337-8adf-4f69-823f-4380ae0c468b LOCATION: lib/ CUSTOM_ID: minimal-documentation
- State "TODO" from
TODO keyword selectors lisp cli skel
ID: ca205f3d-d84d-4629-9d7a-189203c11441 CUSTOM_ID: keyword-selectors
- State "TODO" from
skel :include 0 :components 1 # => <sk-component PRELUDE> skel :include emacs :components babel # => <sk-component BABEL>
- how to apply operators?
- pipe results?
TODO clap fixtures test
CREATED: <2024-09-01 Sun 21:54> ID: f910ffdb-1adc-44b3-bac0-de641e1e17a7 CUSTOM_ID: clap-fixtures
- State "TODO" from
TODO libyear lisp skel
ID: 4420950f-cea0-4a17-8b1a-19f46b78a921 CUSTOM_ID: https-libyear-com-libyear
- State "TODO" from
PROJECT q [0/4]
lisp q
ID: b19fb0f9-65b2-476c-adb3-b4b77e585f37 VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: q-0-4
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
ID: 8b853556-399d-445f-8e7b-4bd4048087c5 CUSTOM_ID: sql
- State "TODO" from
- Note taken on
pretty close - need to fix some recursion bugs then start messing with query-engines
ID: 77bc044c-f4c8-440d-a590-e712ccad9bea CUSTOM_ID: dql
- State "TODO" from
- pronounced 'Dee-qwul'
- the challenge it seems, is building an inference engine that isn't just another half-assed prolog
- expression and introspection is valued here much more than speed/size
- allegro and screamer are favorites so far
TODO top-level macros
ID: 782758ba-78ba-4366-996e-47b6b9123ac3 CUSTOM_ID: top-level-macros
- State "TODO" from
- -?
TODO conditions
ID: 61adb134-1e00-4973-846b-a5afd746afaa CUSTOM_ID: conditions
- State "TODO" from
TODO basic predicates
ID: 3b9067c6-27ec-45e6-a025-201695bd9ece CUSTOM_ID: basic-predicates
- State "TODO" from
=/2 ==/2 abolish/2 and/* append/3 arg/3 assert/1 asserta/1 assertz/1 atom/1 atomic/1 bagof/3 call/1 consult/1 copy-term/2 erase/1 fail/0 first/1 functor/3 ground/1 if/2 if/3 is/2 last/1 leash/1 length/1 listing/1 member/2 memberp/2 (member without backtracking) not/1 number/1 or/* princ/1 read/1 recorda/1 recordz/1 recorded/2 repeat/0 rest/1 retract/1 rev/2 setof/3 true/0 var/1 write/1
TODO compiler design
ID: 503c24ba-8613-4ca0-8c9c-51eced131168 CUSTOM_ID: compiler-design
- State "TODO" from
TODO runtime design
ID: dd1eeab0-901d-4914-91a0-0413a3503fd1 CUSTOM_ID: runtime-design
- State "TODO" from
- needs a stack
- maybe registers
- plenty of dynamic extent
- arenas
- thread-aware
TODO q/tests/fuzz [0/2]
TODO sql-fuzzer
ID: 32506969-1c5d-4a9f-aa03-eb4b1a863f5c CUSTOM_ID: sql-fuzzer
- State "TODO" from
[ ]
values[ ]
record-batch[ ]
expression[ ]
TODO dql-fuzzer
ID: ef26c36a-1a5c-461a-834b-936010d49bb3 CUSTOM_ID: dql-fuzzer
- State "TODO" from
TODO #? reader macro
ID: 5da9a939-892f-439e-8072-c5c61cc1bbe3 CUSTOM_ID: reader-macro
- State "TODO" from
RESEARCH OCI projects [0/4]
pod packy skel
ID: ad581365-91ed-4ca8-a489-413a20cadbb7 CUSTOM_ID: oci-projects-0-4
- State "RESEARCH" from
ID: 7eef96fb-b568-45be-a6ca-fd7a4a7c9469 CUSTOM_ID: https-oras-land-oras
- State "RESEARCH" from
ID: e7d2e4fd-82e2-47b2-86a2-8ba14fff80d4 CUSTOM_ID: skopeo
- State "RESEARCH" from
ID: f98d1562-73da-4814-afd6-304d3be2c9b5 CUSTOM_ID: zot
- State "RESEARCH" from
RESEARCH sigstore
ID: 784024e5-6501-4fe7-93d1-44334fbee3ea CUSTOM_ID: https-www-sigstore-dev-sigstore
- State "RESEARCH" from
TODO parse [0/2]
lisp lib
ID: 50dff527-6778-42d3-934c-2d013d701514 VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: parse-0-2
- State "TODO" from "TODO"
:ID: parse :ID: 8f54a69e-b256-4efd-98e8-75b4892f12b8
- State "TODO" from
- lalr.lisp
- lex.lisp
- obj api
TODO tests
ID: 484740d6-3fb6-4796-b7e8-8f217c5063e5 CUSTOM_ID: tests
- State "TODO" from
add tests for lexer and LALR. figure out if there are any gaps that we need to fill.
TODO toml impl
ID: 6ba3e53d-8cfa-46fe-852a-ea462d475883 CUSTOM_ID: toml-impl
- State "TODO" from
the toml parser on quicklisp is based on esrap, make a comparable one using our parser module.
PROJECT organ [0/2]
lisp organ
ID: f5ad161f-c954-45e2-aeb4-c88d916bae7f VERSION: 0.2 CUSTOM_ID: organ-0-2
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
:ID: 4e7c55dc-e2fa-458f-ad3b-942b9aa336a4
TBD organ-export
ID: 664309c2-55eb-45c2-88eb-a32c012c89ef CUSTOM_ID: organ-export
- State "TBD" from "TODO"
:ID: 189584f5-fc22-4129-bd47-5d494a088684
TODO org-parse
ID: 2434b254-4346-4791-82da-b6bc309e8f5b CUSTOM_ID: org-parse
- State "TODO" from
:DEPENDENCIES: parse :HOOKS: organ-export :ID: 63774177-9730-4961-8535-414fac7a6f4f
TBD parse org-elements as sxp sxp
ID: 232b7b58-2e66-479a-a978-b33f1cdda13f CUSTOM_ID: parse-org-elements-as-sxp
- State "TODO" from
- State "TBD" from "TODO"
(ql:quickload :organ)
(macroexpand-1 (org-element-parse-buffer))
(let ((sxp (sxp:make-sxp))) ;; SIMPLE-READER-ERROR #\) when using read (sxp:wrap-from-string! sxp in) (describe sxp))
#<DAT/SXP:SXP {1026EFA513}> [standard-object] Slots with :INSTANCE allocation: AST = NIL
PROJECT rdb [0/6]
lisp rdb
ID: e5cd7ab8-f0d1-4b6e-ab68-852741e313cc VERSION: 0.2 CUSTOM_ID: rdb-0-6
- State "TODO" from "TODO"
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
TODO error handling
ID: 299c7d94-e259-4413-8b46-13957ca8ded4 CUSTOM_ID: error-handling
- State "TODO" from
- need to unwrap the pointer (* (* t))
- cast to string,int,bool
- wrap segfault handlers
- add restarts for common errors (bad path)
- add cleanup routines
TODO client api
ID: 93e0f187-c9f1-485f-9c51-b1abebf7da06 CUSTOM_ID: client-api
- State "TODO" from
- clients are fully dynamic
- generated from RDB instances
- compiles in CF/option/multithread/type info
- clients implement custom Q language
TODO sequence/iterator impl
ID: 6dbd6194-390b-4156-8690-75f91ce2e8d2 CUSTOM_ID: sequence-iterator-impl
- State "TODO" from
- use SBCL built-ins to extend the api - wrap the raw FFI iterator
- define mixins
TODO comparator impl
ID: bb1bd757-f80d-4723-ac62-45d7ef72a0a2 CUSTOM_ID: comparator-impl
- State "TODO" from
- supply custom comparators to rocksdb from lisp
TODO type system
ID: 31a8f3e3-812f-4edc-a6d1-6540481d7dc7 CUSTOM_ID: type-system
- State "TODO" from
- capture types of: kv, cf
- specs
- kv-spec = (kv-spec val-spec)
- must be serialized to/from vec<char>
- cf-spec
- used as superclass
- methods for abstracting CFs
- kv-spec = (kv-spec val-spec)
TODO set-opt/get-opt
ID: 1a08fd02-b7e2-466b-9c43-f6570160aeb7 CUSTOM_ID: set-opt-get-opt
- State "TODO" from
- need better api
- may just want to use the generic C fn that takes string as input
- I feel this may be less efficient but haven't benched it (requires additional arg)
- separate packages are a pain to query symbols with
PROJECT vc [1/2]
lisp vc
ID: c14dc79d-eeed-42bf-aba2-35ef5aa7e45d VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: vc-2-3
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
TODO vc-mirrors-update replacement
ID: 36c19881-72c6-4cf5-aaba-2b4ced302b97 LOCATION: ~/.config/nushell/scripts/ Effort: 3:00 CREATED: <2024-08-22 Thu 22:15> CUSTOM_ID: vc-mirrors-update-replacement
- State "TODO" from
- State "TODO" from "TODO"
PROJECT dat lisp dat
ID: 31fa3e61-b586-4023-be94-5195a26596ce VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: dat
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
WIP dat/parquet lisp
Effort: 80:00 ID: c808200c-450a-4f77-b4c1-6b372c7c4943 CUSTOM_ID: dat-parquet
- State "WIP" from
TODO dat/csv column selectors lisp dat
Effort: 8:00 ID: 40cb89e4-db1b-4a78-b2b7-3e0fc9ee287b CUSTOM_ID: dat-csv-column-selectors
- State "TODO" from
- a function which accepts a single arg which is either a number, indicating index-based selection or a list of column names for selection by name.
(read-csv-line ... :select (lambda (x) x))
- index-based-selection
- selection-by-name
TODO sxp 0.2 lisp sxp
ID: 2a4d602c-2dea-451f-b06e-165ee2a523b3 CUSTOM_ID: sxp-0-2
- State "TODO" from
ID: 1f04611d-068b-4708-b4e9-e6211cb484eb CUSTOM_ID: wrap-object
- State "TODO" from
- use to replace LOAD-AST for sk-project and friends
- requires mop
- take a look at UNWRAP-OBJECT too, may need rewrite for a better API
PROJECT syn lisp syn
ID: a199245b-4bed-48eb-83f5-e83c03da3a7d VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: syn
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
PROJECT skel [0/3]
lisp skel
ID: 53982b3c-4860-469b-abb5-b279ee669cbd VERSION: 0.2 CUSTOM_ID: skel-1-4
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
TODO split out skel rules
ID: d353ab64-69a1-4fcf-9df5-1804c646f6a5 CUSTOM_ID: split-out-skel-rules
- State "TODO" from
- core/rule.lisp
TODO implement task-pool thread
ID: 5e0c7baf-9b18-441a-a46c-2274f478d4a5 CUSTOM_ID: implement-task-pool
- State "TODO" from
WIP implement vm
ID: 15d506e3-b46a-4064-9054-0fe6c01205fb CREATED: <2024-08-18 Sun 22:03> Effort: 8:00 CUSTOM_ID: implement-vm
- State "TODO" from
- New deadline from " " on
- State "WIP" from "TODO"
- New deadline from " " on
- Note taken on
not liking our current impl.. rewrite and document - State "NEXT" from "WIP"
- New deadline from " " on
- State "HOLD" from "NEXT"
Too early for this - State "WIP" from "HOLD"
- Note taken on
Skel needs a strong multi-threaded runtime in order to do its job efficiently on most devices. Our async APIs are still very young which presents a blocker to this line of work, but there is additional work which needs to be done inskel/core
which we can make progress on in preparation. - New deadline from " " on
- core/vm.lisp
- how will rules, commands, and components interact?
- what sort of configuration is needed and where?
- requires load, building of logical plan, execution of physical plan (in async runtime) with results (+cache)
- analysis pre/post-load, pre/post execution
- execution strategies?
- main thread should show progress in parallel
- capture conditions/debugger
- figure out how to retrieve stacktrace from worker threads
PROJECT std [1/4]
lisp std
ID: e43489ff-4ca9-45e4-83f2-ee9b0967af3a VERSION: 0.2 CUSTOM_ID: std-2-10
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
TODO documentation sweep
ID: b7f48103-4fa3-48c0-93ba-8efc23848931 CUSTOM_ID: documentation-sweep
- State "TODO" from
TODO more (useful) bits
ID: 36d3040f-c899-4941-affb-30e1641d1b01 CUSTOM_ID: more-bits
- State "TODO" from
HACK defsys lisp std
ID: ea69bedd-6a17-44b4-9f2c-3f9195873404 CUSTOM_ID: defsys
- State "HACK" from
- Refiled on
- maybe Norvig was right and we don't need asdf/uiop, maybe not
- the truth is somewhere in between
[ ]
defsys macro[ ]
use macro[ ]
using macro[ ]
requires macro
PROJECT obj [0/3]
lisp obj
ID: c1500e3b-1d95-4ba2-96d5-8301b02293e2 VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: obj-2-5
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
WIP complete base obj/query package [0/1]
q db
LOCATION: lib/obj/query.lisp ID: 8e8bfeaf-22d2-4bad-a8e5-a19765561efa CUSTOM_ID: complete-base-obj-query-package-2-3
- State "WIP" from
- object-based protocol for asking questions about data collections using data expressions
lex,parse,compile- all handled in the Q system- probably in need of refactor right after
- different parts of the protocol will be used by different systems
will be implemented inDAT/CSV
, etcquery-expression
will be implemented inQ/SQL
- different parts of the protocol will be used by different systems
TODO Basic Testing
ID: b857e6f1-c652-4024-9b87-308e1c830b2a CUSTOM_ID: basic-testing
- State "TODO" from
TODO explain impl doc
ID: 155f1e0c-c5ec-4175-934c-14be4adb3559 CUSTOM_ID: explain-impl
- State "TODO" from
TODO explore impl doc
ID: 08017f7e-de0a-442a-9cb6-5559c9159b29 CUSTOM_ID: explore-impl
- State "TODO" from "TODO"
PROJECT net [0/4]
lisp net
ID: 5d088bf7-f201-4875-9167-4293bebbcf46 VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: net-5-8
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
TODO fixtures rt
ID: fe592b6f-cde1-43e9-ac5a-81addc124582 CUSTOM_ID: fixtures
- State "TODO" from
- implement simple network fixtures which can be used within the body of DEFTEST
- start with simple sockets - UDP then TCP
- work up towards HTTP
TODO tcp core
ID: 8e90fe7a-3a22-4af4-b247-64ac6890b94a CUSTOM_ID: tcp
- State "TODO" from
TODO udp core
ID: d238fc1f-24be-447b-a96b-ec35958470fc CUSTOM_ID: udp
- State "TODO" from
WIP net/srv lisp
ID: f812f4e7-03c0-4e7a-a602-8947c39eb4ed CUSTOM_ID: net-srv
- State "TODO" from
- State "WIP" from "TODO"
- needs a solid task-pool impl completed first
PROJECT pwn [0/2]
lisp pwn
ID: 6fef0787-9d0b-473a-b2de-f0969320fea7 VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: pwn-0-2
- State "TODO" from
- Note taken on
Should this be a separate application? Lisp exploit development framework - State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
TODO diz asm
ID: bb192fb0-ad07-44be-89c0-27dbf78a830d CUSTOM_ID: diz
- State "TODO" from
- disassembly toolkit
TODO sassy net
CREATED: <2024-09-02 Mon 16:14> ID: 83eb5ce0-97b4-40c3-b355-7aef4e5604e9 CUSTOM_ID: sassy
- State "TODO" from
- SaaS toolkit
PROJECT gui [0/2]
lisp gui
ID: 73aea563-3df7-4611-a27d-874772806f18 VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: gui-0-2
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
WAIT wayland protocol bindings
ID: 534fe8cb-9056-4ac4-84ca-d98f09f78214 CUSTOM_ID: wayland-protocol-bindings CREATED: <2025-01-18 Sat 20:08>
- State "TODO" from
- State "WAIT" from "TODO"
Wait until we actually have a usecase for Wayland
TBD wayland compositor rust lisp
ID: ca3d0bff-0ff7-4947-835a-b7c7e74c8679 CUSTOM_ID: wayland-compositor
- State "TBD" from "TODO"
:ID: e18a90d7-10bc-44d3-8508-56483d29d385
PROJECT rt [1/3]
lisp rt test
ID: 7a14c529-8609-4638-b101-7304a1605fcc VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: rt-1-4
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
TODO redirect I/O in tests
ID: 34f27f91-c93a-4841-a6ac-5692ad1d0e4f CUSTOM_ID: redirect-i-o-in-tests
- State "TODO" from
prevent tests from printing implicitly. redirect stream locally, cache it somehow for review.
TODO test-on-def
ID: f5cf6e43-906b-4225-9cdb-ac0028b48661 CUSTOM_ID: test-on-def
- State "TODO" from
- simple flag to test when file is defined (part of deftest macro)
PROJECT emacs [0/10]
ID: b6a3ffb9-a7aa-4038-8876-fcdb8115dc08 VERSION: 0.1 LOCATION: emacs/ CUSTOM_ID: emacs-2-9
- State "TODO" from
- State "PROJECT" from "TODO"
- don't really care about versioning the core/emacs configs much
- may come in use later so just a general milestone when these tasks are done
WIP comp/org capture templates
ID: 3d303736-7b79-4c5c-ba43-9ea5aa05f722 CUSTOM_ID: comp-org-capture-templates
- State "TODO" from
- State "WIP" from "TODO"
- Org-mode Workflow Part 1: Capturing in the Inbox · Jethro Kuan
- Org-mode Workflow Part 2: Processing the Inbox · Jethro Kuan
inbox capture
`("i" "inbox" entry (file ,org-inbox-file) :prepend t)
- project capture
- task capture
- habit capture
- log capture
TODO comp/org agenda views, export, dblock
ID: 952fe286-9fd8-478f-bafc-a0a25ae3d17a CUSTOM_ID: comp-org-agenda-views-export-dblock
- State "TODO" from
TODO agenda views
CREATED: <2024-08-27 Tue 18:23> ID: 4f704120-1553-46bc-ac31-5d65aaf340d3 CUSTOM_ID: agenda-views
- State "TODO" from
- a few defined in ellis.el
- define some starter ones for inbox.el
- define views for scrum.el
FIXME compiler warnings
ID: dd4cf91d-4b45-4b5f-adee-0e248ebed0e1 CUSTOM_ID: compiler-warnings
- State "FIXME" from
default.el:176:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘multisession-storage’ default.el:184:11: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘hg-binary’ default.el:240:6: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \=' or different quoting such as `...') default.el:259:30: Warning: ‘:inherit’ called as a function default.el:260:30: Warning: ‘:indentation’ called as a function default.el:261:42: Warning: reference to free variable ‘defpackage’ default.el:262:31: Warning: ‘define-package’ called with 1 argument, but requires 2 or more default.el:262:31: Warning: ‘define-package’ is an obsolete function (as of 29.1). default.el:286:9: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘common-lisp-style-default’ default.el:305:19: Warning: reference to free variable ‘eglot-server-programs’ default.el:305:19: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘eglot-server-programs’ default.el:313:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘rust-rustfmt-switches’ default.el:314:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘rust-indent-offset’ default.el:317:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘python-indent-offset’ default.el:321:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘js-indent-level’ default.el:324:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘sh-basic-offset’ default.el:331:12: Warning: in defcustom for ‘prog-comment-keywords’: missing :type keyword parameter default.el:336:12: Warning: in defcustom for ‘prog-comment-timestamp-format-concise’: missing :type keyword parameter default.el:342:12: Warning: in defcustom for ‘prog-comment-timestamp-format-verbose’: missing :type keyword parameter In prog-comment-timestamp-keyword: default.el:386:2: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \=' or different quoting such as `...') default.el:414:20: Warning: reference to free variable ‘comment-timestamp-format-verbose’ default.el:443:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘hexl-bits’ In buffer-to-register: default.el:474:47: Warning: Unused lexical argument ‘delete’ In file-to-register: default.el:481:45: Warning: Unused lexical argument ‘delete’ In file-query-to-register: default.el:487:51: Warning: Unused lexical argument ‘delete’ default.el:529:12: Warning: in defcustom for ‘default-scratch-buffer-mode’: missing :type keyword parameter default.el:625:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘eshell-highlight-prompt’ default.el:626:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘eshell-hist-ignoredups’ default.el:627:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘eshell-save-history-on-exit’ default.el:629:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies’ In eshell-quit-or-delete-char: default.el:645:20: Warning: ‘looking-back’ called with 1 argument, but requires 2 or 3 default.el:645:33: Warning: reference to free variable ‘eshell-prompt-regexp’ default.el:650:6: Warning: ‘delete-forward-char’ is for interactive use only; use ‘delete-char’ instead. default.el:654:29: Warning: reference to free variable ‘eshell-mode-map’ In eshell-next-prompt: default.el:660:22: Warning: reference to free variable ‘eshell-prompt-regexp’ default.el:661:9: Warning: reference to free variable ‘eshell-highlight-prompt’ In eshell-insert-history: default.el:677:48: Warning: reference to free variable ‘eshell-history-ring’ default.el:736:49: Warning: reference to free variable ‘eww-mode-map’ default.el:747:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-id-link-to-org-use-id’ default.el:749:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-capture-templates’ default.el:761:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-html-htmlize-output-type’ default.el:762:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-html-head-include-default-style’ default.el:764:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-ascii-text-width’ default.el:768:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-structure-template-alist’ default.el:805:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-archive-location’ In org-ask-location: default.el:853:11: Warning: Unused lexical variable ‘org-refile-targets’ default.el:856:28: Warning: reference to free variable ‘org-refile-history’ default.el:860:18: Warning: reference to free variable ‘org-complex-heading-regexp-format’ In org-capture-fileref-snippet: default.el:868:37: Warning: Unused lexical argument ‘f’ default.el:906:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-global-properties’ In org-adjust-tags-column-reset-tags: default.el:936:39: Warning: Unused lexical argument ‘ignored’ In column-display-value-transformer: default.el:942:55: Warning: Unused lexical argument ‘value’ default.el:954:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘org-columns-modify-value-for-display-function’ In org-remove-redundant-tags: default.el:974:32: Warning: Unused lexical variable ‘tag’ default.el:984:69: Warning: ‘memql’ called with literal list that may never match (arg 1) In org-agenda-reschedule-to-today: default.el:995:35: Warning: Unused lexical argument ‘rest’ default.el:999:2: Warning: ‘defadvice’ is an obsolete macro (as of 30.1); use ‘advice-add’ or ‘define-advice’ In org-export-translate-to-lang: default.el:1079:35: Warning: reference to free variable ‘org-export-dictionary’ In end of data: default.el:979:42: Warning: the function ‘org-toggle-tag’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:971:8: Warning: the function ‘org-map-entries’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:961:4: Warning: the function ‘org-table-map-tables’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:949:9: Warning: the function ‘org-entry-end-position’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:946:8: Warning: the function ‘org-back-to-heading’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:937:20: Warning: the function ‘org-set-tags’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:918:10: Warning: the function ‘org-set-property’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:916:14: Warning: the function ‘org-entry-get-multivalued-property’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:912:12: Warning: the function ‘org-entry-get’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:898:23: Warning: the function ‘which-function’ is not known to be defined. default.el:858:6: Warning: the function ‘outline-next-heading’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:855:24: Warning: the function ‘org-refile-get-location’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:846:39: Warning: the function ‘org-todo’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:843:48: Warning: the function ‘org-read-date’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:843:23: Warning: the function ‘org-time-string-to-time’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:664:4: Warning: the function ‘eshell-skip-prompt’ is not known to be defined. default.el:647:10: Warning: the function ‘eshell-life-is-too-much’ is not known to be defined. default.el:641:6: Warning: the function ‘eshell-send-input’ is not known to be defined. default.el:633:14: Warning: the function ‘eshell/alias’ is not known to be defined. default.el:308:6: Warning: the function ‘eglot-x-setup’ is not known to be defined. default.el:261:39: Warning: the function ‘as’ is not known to be defined. default.el:261:31: Warning: the function ‘defpkg’ is not known to be defined. default.el:260:30: Warning: the function ‘:indentation’ is not known to be defined. default.el:259:30: Warning: the function ‘:inherit’ is not known to be defined. default.el:258:4: Warning: the function ‘define-common-lisp-style’ is not known to be defined. default.el:245:8: Warning: the function ‘slime-eval-async’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:243:14: Warning: the function ‘slime-sexp-at-point’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:241:13: Warning: the function ‘slime-read-from-minibuffer’ might not be defined at runtime. default.el:233:10: Warning: the function ‘slime-repl’ is not known to be defined. default.el:228:14: Warning: the function ‘slime-connected-p’ might not be defined at runtime. Loading which-key (native compiled elisp)...done All your packages are already installed Waiting for git... [2 times] Loading /home/ellis/.emacs.d/ellis.el (source)... Local variables list is not properly terminated Source file ‘/home/ellis/.emacs.d/lib/ulang.el’ newer than byte-compiled file; using older file Initialized ULANG. Repeat mode is enabled for 38 commands and 13 keymaps; see ‘describe-repeat-maps’ Loading /home/ellis/.emacs.d/ellis.el (source)...done Starting Emacs daemon.
TODO remove makefile
ID: 93f3d805-9139-49b2-9b20-4e92e3dbda41 CUSTOM_ID: remove-makefile
- State "TODO" from
WIP graph org
ID: 27d6936b-3e2f-4d28-af11-85c8276389db CUSTOM_ID: graph CREATED: <2025-01-18 Sat 20:48>
- State "OUTLINE" from
- State "WIP" from "OUTLINE"
- edges
- forward links
- back links
- drawers?
- properties?
- export features
- configuration
- updating
- emacs caching
- KV model
TODO org-timeline upgrades [0/3]
CREATED: <2024-08-27 Tue 14:19> ID: 1a283ac6-13cc-4316-b9fd-350d1766174a CUSTOM_ID: org-timeline-upgrades-0-3
- Refiled on
GitHub - deopurkar/org-timeline: Add graphical view of agenda to agenda buffer
- now lives in lib/org-timeline.el
- have some upgrades to make
TODO timeline selection update on pointer hover
CREATED: <2024-08-27 Tue 14:22> ID: 4b2f89c6-9bf0-46bf-91c5-44afd54860e8 CUSTOM_ID: timeline-selection-update-on-pointer-hover
- State "TODO" from
The update behavior on mouse hover is quite nice - let's enable that for keyboard-based navigation too.
TODO org-agenda-follow impl
CREATED: <2024-08-27 Tue 14:20> ID: 1b23b7c0-7ad3-4906-8bcb-66cad8831484 CUSTOM_ID: org-agenda-follow-impl
- State "TODO" from
- toggled on with
, but doesn't follow timeline blocks - should follow block on hover or when cursor is inside a block
- same applies for timeline selection
TODO align org-timeline properties with ulang ulang
CREATED: <2024-08-27 Tue 14:26> ID: cb1272df-e155-417d-8fa9-380dac848915 CUSTOM_ID: align-org-timeline-properties-with-ulang
- State "TODO" from
- there's some timeline-specific properties, let's integrate those with our standard properties
TODO sk.el project integration skel
CREATED: <2024-09-03 Tue 22:14> ID: c9e157da-50e9-4dc3-96fd-bb9bc9175ee5 CUSTOM_ID: sk-el-project-integration
- State "TODO" from
TODO sk.el hack-dir-local-variables emacs
TODO sk.el indentation rules
ID: 9b2d1c95-e724-47b8-a78c-a81805194731 CREATED: <2025-02-26 Wed 21:31> LOCATION: emacs/lib/sk.el
- Refiled on
Lisp Indent (GNU Emacs Manual) Brain dump – Custom Common Lisp indentation in Emacs
TODO project-tasks timestamp -> date when no h/m info
ID: ef8f7f82-9a0e-490a-aad3-e96185ad89ef
- Refiled on
PROJECT io [0/1]
CREATED: <2024-09-19 Thu 21:54> ID: 39c15417-5078-403f-b716-3b48b9d3929d LOCATION: lib/io/ CUSTOM_ID: io-0-1
- State "PROJECT" from
TODO uring
CREATED: <2025-01-18 Sat 20:49> ID: 2a88e627-be3b-4651-8812-44039ff8994d
- State "TODO" from
WIP homer [1/1]
lisp homer
ID: ef204ce0-7a99-45a6-942e-6d8f549f94f9 VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: homer-1-2 CREATED: <2025-01-18 Sat 20:49>
- State "TBD" from "TODO"
- State "WIP" from "TBD"
PROJECT bench test bench
CREATED: <2024-08-28 Wed 21:59> ID: a3e85640-60e5-44d1-bbf3-5a287e0feb4c VERSION: 0.1 CUSTOM_ID: bench
- State "PROJECT" from
- GitHub - miloyip/nativejson-benchmark: C/C++ JSON parser/generator benchmark
- tbd: dat generic benchmarking with fixtures
- taobench
CREATED: <2024-09-20 Fri 22:34> ID: b3e0b57a-a54a-445c-a06f-37ba289a68f6
- State "RESEARCH" from
A Gentle Introduction to XDP | Datadog GitHub - xdp-project/xdp-tools: Utilities and example programs for use with XDP
CREATED: <2024-09-20 Fri 22:35> ID: 74665710-7b60-4001-ae9e-d47de4c53a69
- State "RESEARCH" from
ID: 6cfbb313-4673-4fca-afcf-3fe00c12a3de CUSTOM_ID: ebpf
- State "RESEARCH" from
RESEARCH batman-adv net
CREATED: <2024-08-23 Fri 21:16> ID: 53992507-a3af-43ff-b04b-aa05ccabe2fa CUSTOM_ID: batman-adv
- State "RESEARCH" from