Universal Language
1. Introduction
Every investigation, including the present one, has to be communicated from one person to another by means of language. It is expedient to begin our study by calling attention to this obvious fact, by giving a name to the language being used, and by being explicit about a few of its features. We shall call the language being used the U-Language. […] There would be no point in calling attention to it, if it were not for the fact that language is more intimately related to our job than of most others. – Haskell Curry
This document is for contributors and curious readers. It is a loose specification which describes the fundamental rules of how we write in prose, documentation, and other contexts.
All sources we write attempt to comply to this specification but it is never strictly enforced. If there is a reason to not comply with a rule, it is already broken.
In this document, we will be calling attention to our own language - examining it, and describing how it works.
Our job is to solve problems. Hard problems preferred. So we ought to pay close attention to the language we use because it brings the reader and writer closer to the problem at hand.
We are primarily concerned with written languages like the one you're reading now. We will skip past the obvious details - English is our primary form of communication for example. The line you are reading currently is a sentence which is part of a paragraph.
1.1. Org Mode
GNU Emacs is our text editor, so naturally Org Mode is our word processor.
If you are already familiar with Emacs and Org-Mode, I recommend opening the source of this document in Emacs and following along.
If not, I recommend browsing through the Worg resources, but we won't be getting too deep into tribal hacker knowledge of Emacs.
2. ulang
Our U-Language is colloquially termed ulang. Each section of this document describes an Org syntax component and how it is used in our writing.
2.1. Emphasis
Text Emphasis in Org covers the range you would expect from any other markup:
- *bold* - /italic/ - _underlined_ - =verbatim= - ~code~ - +strike-through+
2.2. Links
Org Links are wrapped in brackets like so:
DESCRIPTION ;; or without description LINK
- LINK is a URI like https://google.com
- DESCRIPTION is optional
2.2.1. Internal Links
2.2.2. External Links
Org has built-in support for many different types of External Links, which are URL-like locators. We also define some custom link types which are used throughout our documentation and code.
2.3. Headings
In Org, headings can be summarize as any line starting with a star: *
. Headings can be nested or 'demoted' by prepending another star:
** H2
* H1 ** H2 *** H3 ** H2 * H1
This is a useful pattern which we apply outside of Org - most commonly in our code comments.
In our source code, we use the comment character instead of a star:
;;; foo (print "H1") ;; just an inline comment ;;;; bar (print "H2") ;;; baz (print "H1")
/// foo println!("H1"); //// bar println!("H2"); /// baz println!("H1");
2.4. Todo Keywords
TODO keywords are often used to keep track of the state of a TODO Item, but may also be extended to support a variety of stateful item types beyond just simple tasks.
We do not specify any
The following keywords form the simple set of task states.
* PROJECT project ** DONE foo ** TODO bar ** TBD baz ** WIP test foo
2.6. Properties
Properties are key:value pairs which are associated with a heading or file and stored in a dedicated Drawer.
* WIP do stuff :@lab: :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: <2024-08-24 Sat 19:09> :ID: 62da3982-7a83-4b27-ab7e-55949fd3e2a3 :EFFORT: 24:00 :END:
2.6.1. ID
Org supports two built-in identifier properties:
- ID
- Unique, machine-generated
- User-defined
These IDs don't add any information for the reader - the IDs are used to index and associate headings. All headings are assigned an ID automatically which should never be changed.
CUSTOM_IDs are for convenience and extensions, but are rarely necessary given the many ways of identifying a headline.
2.7. File Keywords
File keywords, also known as In-Buffer Settings are similar to properties in the sense that they are key/value pairs, but they only appear at the top of a file before any content and use a different syntax.
#+title: some file title #+author: some user some content * a headline :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: just a property, not a file keyword :END:
2.8. Tables
Org Tables offer some pretty advanced spreadsheet capabilities which
we won't delve into here. Plain tables can be identified in documents by lines
starting with the |
| col1 | col2 | col3 | |------+------+------| | 1 | foo | bar |
2.9. Blocks
Org Blocks consist of a body wrapped in a pair of lines which look
like File Keywords prepended with BEGIN_
and END_
Simple blocks such as example
and center
only have a special
meaning during publishing:
#+begin_example this is an example block #+end_example #+begin_center this is a centered block #+end_center
2.9.1. Code Blocks
Code Blocks are used to embed source code into a document. They always
start with #+BEGIN_SRC
and end with #+END_SRC
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (message "an emacs-lisp code block inside an org document") #+end_src
You can embed virtually any type of source code in side a code block, execute it in-place, and control how both the source code and results are presented in the document. Source code blocks may also be collected in a Library of Babel and re-used across many documents.
2.9.2. Dynamic Blocks
Dynamic Blocks as the name implies are blocks with contents that are
dynamically updated. These blocks always begin with #+BEGIN:
followed by a space, the name of the dynamic block and any parameter
values, and end with #+END:
. The dynamic block name is taken from
the name of a function which matches org-dblock-write:NAME
. This
function is called with the parameter values and replaces the body of
the block.
The only built-in dynamic block is the clocktable
Clock summary at [2024-09-06 Fri 15:23] | Headline | Time | |--------------+--------| | *Total time* | *0:00* |
Dynamic blocks are designed for user extension and are a powerful tool to programatically summarize information.