Hacking Theology
1. Wardriving
ID: 904371de-eaaf-4df9-a9df-4a2a443f2066 CREATED: <2025-01-17 Fri 18:45>–
The act of sniffing airwaves for open network access points and communications. Traditionally performed in a moving vehicle using a laptop.
2. Cracking
ID: fd1c94ca-18f8-420a-9ee5-2ed7b6ddfb9b CREATED: <2025-01-17 Fri 18:47>–
3. Rubberducking
ID: 598fc07b-3eab-46d7-abd2-510ee8135584 CREATED: <2025-03-01 Sat 12:27>–
4. Scripting
ID: 2ab524ef-e77e-4482-b563-123b556f431f CREATED: <2025-03-03 Mon 20:14>