ID: a7f9b428-9323-492f-aaa5-94669bfbc55b–
1.1. Extensions
1.1.1. ed functions
ID: 11329fdb-2923-4ccf-953c-037e78433b1a CREATED: <2025-03-03 Mon 14:53>
- State "NOTE" from
Although SBCL does not provide a resident editor, the ed function can be customized to hook into user-provided editing mechanisms as follows: Function: ed [cl] &optional x Starts the editor (on a file or a function if named). Functions from the list *ed-functions* are called in order with x as an argument until one of them returns non-NIL; these functions are responsible for signalling a file-error to indicate failure to perform an operation on the file system. Variable: *ed-functions* [sb-ext] See function documentation for ed.
1.1.2. Concurrency
ID: e99f0d2a-546a-479e-9014-3acdbcccd5ab CREATED: <2025-03-06 Thu 14:14>
(defvar *buffer-queue* (make-waitqueue)) (defvar *buffer-lock* (make-mutex :name "buffer lock")) (defvar *buffer* (list nil)) (defun reader () (with-mutex (*buffer-lock*) (loop (condition-wait *buffer-queue* *buffer-lock*) (loop (unless *buffer* (return)) (let ((head (car *buffer*))) (setf *buffer* (cdr *buffer*)) (format t "reader ~A woke, read ~A~%" *current-thread* head)))))) (defun writer () (loop (sleep (random 5)) (with-mutex (*buffer-lock*) (let ((el (intern (string (code-char (+ (char-code #\A) (random 26))))))) (setf *buffer* (cons el *buffer*))) (condition-notify *buffer-queue*)))) (make-thread #'writer) (make-thread #'reader) (make-thread #'reader)
#<THREAD tid=0 RUNNING {100C873E73}>
(defvar *data* nil) (defvar *queue* (make-waitqueue)) (defvar *lock* (make-mutex)) ;; Consumer (defun pop-data (&optional timeout) (with-mutex (*lock*) (loop until *data* do (or (condition-wait *queue* *lock* :timeout timeout) ;; Lock not held, must unwind without touching *data*. (return-from pop-data nil))) (pop *data*))) ;; Producer (defun push-data (data) (with-mutex (*lock*) (push data *data*) (condition-notify *queue*)))
- Barriers
ID: dc91fb4a-adee-44ec-9bd8-cbfa10db8dca CREATED: <2025-03-06 Thu 14:19>
These are based on the Linux kernel barrier design, which is in turn based on the Alpha CPU memory model. They are presently implemented for x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM64, and RISC-V systems, and behave as compiler barriers on all other CPUs.
In addition to explicit use of the sb-thread:barrier macro, the following functions and macros also serve as :memory barriers:
- sb-ext:atomic-decf, sb-ext:atomic-incf, sb-ext:atomic-push, and sb-ext:atomic-pop.
- sb-ext:compare-and-swap.
- sb-thread:grab-mutex, sb-thread:release-mutex, sb-thread:with-mutex and sb-thread:with-recursive-lock.
- sb-thread:signal-semaphore, sb-thread:try-semaphore and sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore.
- sb-thread:condition-wait, sb-thread:condition-notify and sb-thread:condition-broadcast.
- Timers
ID: 6ff7096f-a666-4103-8f32-1dc62c04cb35 CREATED: <2025-03-06 Thu 14:19>
– - sb-thread
ID: 7bf0993f-6212-4635-a071-bf2e7d9ba7f9 CREATED: <2025-03-06 Thu 14:06>
->(make-thread (lambda () (write-line "Hello, world")))
#<THREAD tid=0 RUNNING {100933AD93}>
- Atomics
ID: bb27d9c3-513a-4ac6-8780-580c09257040 CREATED: <2025-03-06 Thu 14:11>
1.2. Internals
ID: 9aac997a-5d9c-43dd-b2ca-8b8b02d9f2dd
An exploration of SBCL internals - – guicho271828/sbcl-wiki
–1.2.1. Low Tags
CREATED: <2025-01-17 Fri 15:50> ID: fd50e430-8a51-406a-96bd-ae6a1cf73bdd
#define SBCL_GENESIS_CONSTANTS #define FIXNUM_TAG_MASK 1 /* 0x1 */ #define N_FIXNUM_TAG_BITS 1 /* 0x1 */ #define N_LOWTAG_BITS 4 /* 0x4 */ #define N_WIDETAG_BITS 8 /* 0x8 */ #define N_WORD_BYTES 8 /* 0x8 */ #define LOWTAG_MASK 15 /* 0xF */ #define N_WORD_BITS 64 /* 0x40 */ #define WIDETAG_MASK 255 /* 0xFF */ #define SHORT_HEADER_MAX_WORDS 32767 /* 0x7FFF */ #define EVEN_FIXNUM_LOWTAG 0 /* 0x0 */ #define OTHER_IMMEDIATE_0_LOWTAG 1 /* 0x1 */ #define PAD0_LOWTAG 2 /* 0x2 */ #define INSTANCE_POINTER_LOWTAG 3 /* 0x3 */ #define PAD1_LOWTAG 4 /* 0x4 */ #define OTHER_IMMEDIATE_1_LOWTAG 5 /* 0x5 */ #define PAD2_LOWTAG 6 /* 0x6 */ #define LIST_POINTER_LOWTAG 7 /* 0x7 */ #define ODD_FIXNUM_LOWTAG 8 /* 0x8 */ #define OTHER_IMMEDIATE_2_LOWTAG 9 /* 0x9 */ #define PAD3_LOWTAG 10 /* 0xA */ #define FUN_POINTER_LOWTAG 11 /* 0xB */ #define PAD4_LOWTAG 12 /* 0xC */ #define OTHER_IMMEDIATE_3_LOWTAG 13 /* 0xD */ #define PAD5_LOWTAG 14 /* 0xE */ #define OTHER_POINTER_LOWTAG 15 /* 0xF */
1.2.2. Bindings
ID: a4d05da6-b90d-4a9f-8237-67a10c8c4588 CREATED: <2025-02-09 Sun 14:21>–
1.2.3. Symbols of Interest
ID: a8ee911d-6d19-452b-b03a-249a446c1b20 CREATED: <2025-01-17 Fri 19:11>
sb-sys:*runtime-dlhandle* sb-fasl:+fasl-file-version+ sb-fasl:+backend-fasl-file-implementation+ sb-debug:print-backtrace sb-debug:map-backtrace sb-pretty:pprint-dispatch-table sb-lockless: sb-ext:simd-pack sb-walker:define-walker-template sb-walker:macroexpand-all sb-walker:walk-form sb-kernel:empty-type sb-kernel:*eval-calls* sb-kernel:*gc-pin-code-pages* sb-kernel:*restart-clusters* sb-kernel:*save-lisp-clobbered-globals* sb-kernel:*top-level-form-p* sb-kernel:*universal-fun-type* sb-kernel:*universal-type* sb-kernel:*wild-type* sb-kernel:+simd-pack-element-types+ (sb-vm:memory-usage) (sb-vm:boxed-context-register) (sb-vm:c-find-heap->arena) (sb-vm:copy-number-to-heap) (sb-vm:dump-arena-objects) (sb-vm:fixnumize) (sb-vm:rewind-arena) (sb-vm:show-heap->arena) (sb-vm:with/without-arena) (sb-cltl2:{augment-environment,compiler-let,define-declaration,parse-macro}) (sb-cltl2:{declaration-information, variable-information, function-information}) sb-di: sb-assem: sb-md5: sb-regalloc: sb-disassem:
1.2.4. Core Format
ID: db473315-0c74-40cb-ab07-9259b2113043 CREATED: <2025-02-24 Mon 21:36>
sbcl/src/runtime/coreparse.c at master · sbcl/sbcl · GitHub sbcl/src/runtime/core.h at master · sbcl/sbcl · GitHub
1.2.5. VOP
ID: f9bcac71-99b9-4375-9c23-8b650d21d86c CREATED: <2025-02-28 Fri 19:08>
SBCL: the ultimate assembly code breadboard - Paul Khuong: some Lisp – How to define new intrinsics in SBCL - Paul Khuong: some Lisp – 001-sbcl-vops.txt
–Virtual Operations
1.2.6. Aliens ffi
ID: 93e1ed13-dc82-4a9b-8b9e-f60f06b01a4f CREATED: <2025-02-28 Fri 19:09>
Lazy Alien Resolution - SBCL Internals – Callbacks - SBCL Internals – Linkage-table - SBCL Internals
–1.2.7. SB-ASSEM asm
ID: 86674fe2-4105-4246-9682-f6e3fb84f7de CREATED: <2025-03-08 Sat 20:24>->
- sb-assem, sb-vm, sb-c
(describe (sb-assem:gen-label "this is a label comment"))
#<SB-ASSEM:LABEL {1012471C13}> [structure-object] Slots with :INSTANCE allocation: INDEX = 0 POSN = NIL COMMENT = "this is a label comment" USEDP = NIL
- sb-assem:make-segment
- emit, assemble
1.2.8. Compiler comp
ID: 624cbc9a-9797-4889-a8b5-8440b04d9c01 CREATED: <2025-02-28 Fri 19:14>
CMUCL User's Manual: Advanced Compiler Use and Efficiency Hints
–1.3. Tree Shaker
ID: 6beca36e-6264-4741-9180-66e81bf58c49 CREATED: <2025-01-26 Sun 00:54>>>
With the complexity involved in SBCL image dumps it becomes a hard problem to design an effective tree-shaker.
- sbcl/tests/treeshake.pure.lisp
- Shake tree harder · sbcl/sbcl@f9b92e4
1.4. Contribs
ID: c33a5587-daab-4e61-a0df-fc6856b00f70 CREATED: <2025-02-11 Tue 20:55>>>
1.4.1. sb-bsd-sockets
ID: 0c2908c2-69d0-4866-b225-3d7eec026b76 CREATED: <2025-02-11 Tue 20:55>
(defvar *protocols* `((:tcp ,sockint::ipproto_tcp "tcp" "TCP") (:udp ,sockint::ipproto_udp "udp" "UDP") (:ip ,sockint::ipproto_ip "ip" "IP") (:ipv6 ,sockint::ipproto_ipv6 "ipv6" "IPV6") (:icmp ,sockint::ipproto_icmp "icmp" "ICMP") (:igmp ,sockint::ipproto_igmp "igmp" "IGMP") (:raw ,sockint::ipproto_raw "raw" "RAW")))